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How Many Times Should Pest Control Be Done?

A: It’s totally up to the customer. Depending on whether they want regular service to see zero bugs. Are they trying to eliminate a single problem, or are they trying to get rid of an infestation? It is a decision and a process that will come about after the first treatment. We’ll see if there are more treatments needed or just a once in a while treatment to keep something from coming inside and around the house.

Houston’s near tropic climate and warm weather are attractive to many Texans who move here. However, it’s also just as attractive to many pests. In addition to our famous seasonal swarm of love bugs, Houston is also known for roaches, ants, termites, and spiders. Many of these pests can pose a serious risk to you and your family’s health, not just your comfort. So, with all these creepy crawlers, things that bite and sting roaming around, how often should you get pest control in Houston? Well, as Scott said—ultimately, it’s up to you, but that would make this a pretty short blog wouldn’t it?


All jokes aside, as mentioned, it really does depend on your property, what kind of pest you’re dealing with, and other conditions. Quarterly pest control in Houston might be sufficient to keep your home free of most common pests in a subdivision. However, let’s say you live out in Atascosita on 15 acres of land and brush? You may need treatments a bit more often or different types of treatments. Either way, you go, pest control must start somewhere before you can get an idea of what’s needed for your property.

Initial Clean-Out Service Is Crucial

You can’t assume what level of pest control in Houston homes is needed just by going off a map. No, you have to do a walkthrough of a property and an initial clean-out. A clean-out is a type of visit that helps your pest professional determine what pests you’re dealing with. Not only does it identify which pests, but to the extent of the population.

For example, do you have a minor gathering of ants in a couple of piles, or is it a full-blown infestation? This initial visit also helps to highlight any possible havens for pests as well as other risk factors. First, the technician will walk the property to make sure there is nothing that would be a haven for pests. Often, people will be harboring the very pests they end up needing to eradicate without even realizing it!

After a brief initial consult, they will begin the clean-out process of your yard, garage, and your home. At Champions we always recommend a multi-tier approach that involves initial eradication and then preventative treatments to keep them from coming back.

Don’t Wait Until You NEED A Treatment

We don’t see any value for our clients in coming out and doing a “one and done” treatment. Honestly, that ends up costing you more, and here’s why.

Once you eradicate the pests—sure, they’re gone for a while but—they always come back and usually in larger numbers. This is because while most of them end up being eradicated, there is also a number that are driven out only to return later.

Once a pest finds a source of food, water and shelter they spread the word like wildfire. They will almost always revisit even after treatment just to “see if the coast is clear.” They are more intelligent than you might be led to believe.


Because pests like roaches, ants, and others are relentless aside from pest treatments you should be proactive as well. Seal up any holes or cracks in your home that would be an entry point for would-be pests. Also, look for any gaps in weather stripping on exterior doors to prevent small insects such as ants from getting in.

All that aside, once you’ve had a clean-out service performed at your property—you want to keep those results. Yes, sealing up your home properly is a huge step but it means nothing if you aren’t deterring pests too.

How Often Should You Be Treating Your Home?

That is exactly where routine pest control comes into play. With preventative treatments from Champions pest control in Houston, we can maintain a pest-free environment. The frequency at which treatments are performed depends on each case.

  • For the most effective pest prevention, we recommend bi-monthly pest control treatments for most Houston homes. Most treatment applications are designed to last up to a couple of months in most cases. However, a reputable pest control company will offer follow-up treatments in between scheduled services. This is helpful in case you see the occasional straggler that didn’t get the message after the first treatment.
  • Some Houston homeowners choose to get monthly or quarterly pest control treatments based on their pest threat level.  Some homes like those in Spring that back up into wooded areas may need monthly service. That is because they are near an undeveloped area—a breeding ground for pests. A monthly service would help keep the pest proliferation down to an acceptable level. On the other side of things, some homes have far less pest activity. They might only need service once every three months. However, choosing this option with a long time between treatments you may see a pest or two.

Whichever type of treatment plan you go with you can rest assured that routine pest control in Houston works. There are many pests Houston is known for that would overrun your property without it.

What Pests Do Routine Treatments Prevent?

Houston is a large city—the largest in the southern US and it’s surrounded by tons of bayous. Water, vegetation, and dirt are a perfect storm for the proliferation of some notorious bugs. Bugs need water to survive and ground cover such as brush, pine trees, and other vegetation.

So you can save yourself some headaches with routine pest treatments that will prevent infestations of pests such as:


People are disgusted by cockroaches—especially the Texas-sized ones there that can be up to two inches long! They tend to favor moist areas and love to hide in the trash and anywhere that is shaded from the Texas sun.


Houston is famously hot and HUMID—for spiders, that’s an advantage as they thrive in these conditions. The black widow and brown recluse are the two species most common in Houston—and they are dangerous. Not all spiders are venomous, but these two pack a punch with their bite. With routine pest control, you lessen your odds of seeing one in your home.


Termites are a year-round issue in Houston and thrive as well in the moist climate and piney woods region we are in.  A home infested with termites can literally be eaten to the point of being uninhabitable. Termites can cause damage any time of the year as subterranean termites swarm in spring and summer and dry wood termites in late summer and fall.


Ants are one of the most varied species of insects in Houston—there are hundreds of varieties. Fire ants, Crazy ants (no not your crazy aunt, literal ants), and Pharaoh ants are just a few you’ll find here. Ants are greatly beneficial for natural soil aeration—but in moderation. When they’re crawling in your cabinets and pantry they can be a real pain.


Summer is the peak season for fleas as well as ticks to multiply and wreak havoc for our pets. Additionally, they can even cause health problems such as Lyme disease in humans, not just pets.


The best way to avoid these pests—in case you haven’t been following, is to get routine pest treatments. Sure, we can come out every once in a blue moon and correct a huge problem—but it will cost more. Why not save yourself headaches and money with routine pest control to keep things consistent.

Contact us today and see how affordable routine pest control in Houston can be.

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