A: The method depends on the pest you’re trying to control, the environment that you’re in, and the limitations of the structure or building you’re controlling. It can be a physical exclusion, a chemical application, or it could be a removal of material to take care of a problem. So, the best method is the one that gets rid of the problem.
Houston pest control can admittedly be a challenge for anyone—even us professionals. Our climate and many bayous make a perfect breeding ground for:
- Mosquitos
- Ants—big ones
- Flies
- Roaches—Texas-sized
- Termites
When determining which method of pest control to use to target an issue, Houston pest control companies have many options. However, how effective each method depends on the pest in question. Sometimes, pests will react differently or not at all to methods that other pests are vulnerable to. Developing an effective pest control regimen requires a combination of experience and knowledge of the behavior patterns of pests. Most times, it is difficult for any Houston pest control company to completely eradicate a pest. They adapt quickly and are adept at avoiding the reach of many of the professional methods used.
Let’s take a deeper look into what goes into your average Houston pest control treatment. Every company is different as is each case. Typically, there are four types of categories of methods used in the Houston area.
Some of these are more geared towards rural properties that are involved in livestock and farming. However, all the methods discussed here play an important role in pest control area-wide.
Biological pest control methods are mainly used on farmlands and involve the deployment of a pest’s predator. For example, aphids are a pest that can ruin valuable crops and reduce the harvest. Ladybugs are aphid’s natural predators. So, releasing a stable population of ladybugs and larvae help eradicate aphids without harming the crops.
The upshot on this method of pest control is two-fold—if conditions are maintained the ladybugs will proliferate. A new population will develop and so you essentially have a perpetual control mechanism. The other benefit is there is no need for chemicals which can be expensive as well as prohibitive on organic crops.
Biological pest control can vary in effectiveness and depends on the predators ability to reproduce and adapt to the new environment. It is a slower method of control as you’re depending on the breeding cycle. Additionally, sometimes the predator can end up being the pest as well—it’s a delicate balance.
Cultural Control
Cultural pest control is basic—you make the environment uninhabitable or unhospitable to pests. This may involve using obstructive landscaping, planting of certain crops that are detested by pests, and diversionary elements.
For example, you can build a large scrap woodpile around the perimeter of a farm which will draw pest’s attention away from crops. Once you have a sizeable amount of pests drawn to the woodpile you exterminate them with pesticides. However, sometimes that can drive the pests away from the diversion and back to the crops.
Cultural pest control can be fruitful in pest prevention, however, it’s not feasible when you already have a pest problem. It requires planning, observation of pest migration patterns, and experience with the pest you’re dealing with.
Using traps in Houston pest control is a common practice and is the preferred option if feasible for rodents. This is simply due to the re-usability of traps and their low toxicity. Typically, if the problem does not pose a threat and is merely annoying—this is the best option.
Traps help get pests to gather in a central area and then keep them from escaping. They are either relocated or exterminated after being trapped. Bait is often used which does introduce a bit of toxicity.
Adhesive traps however are a non-toxic option that use a large sticky pad placed in a high activity area. When pests walk on the adhesive pad they get stuck until they expire or are free. This is very effective against mice, lizards, centipedes, and other small pests.
Pesticides And Chemical Pest Control
Pesticides and chemicals are probably the most common and widespread method used in the industry. It’s simple, results are typically quick, and when applied and mixed properly by a professional—they’re very safe.
Naturally, as with any chemical, if an untrained person mixes or applies the wrong amount—it can be dangerous. This is why it’s critical to do your research on the pest control company you consider hiring. Make sure they are properly accredited, insured and bonded, and that the technicians they send are properly certified.
No matter what pest you are treating—there will always be a cat and mouse effect. What we mean is that some pests will indeed be eradicated by pesticides, however, some develop an immunity. This is why chemical-based pest control is always evolving to battle pest infestations.
One of the toughest pests to kill with pesticides is a familiar foe of Houston pest control companies—cockroaches. Yes, they seem to grow bigger, badder, and braver here.
Discovering an infestation of cockroaches in or around your home can be the stuff of horror films. They seem to be the nastiest of all bugs and rightfully so. They love hanging out in sewers, drains, and other nasty environments.
There’s a saying that the only survivors in a nuclear war would be the cockroaches—they’re seemingly indestructible. Maybe not exactly, but you’d be surprised just how tough the lowly cockroach is, just look at their immune system.
Roaches are infamous for being supercarriers of dozens if not hundreds of diseases and bacteria. In addition to that, the skin they shed wreaks havoc on pets and humans with allergies or asthma. To add insult to injury, roaches secrete an oil that has the foulest odor.
So yes, when you have an infestation in your home it’s more than annoying and gross—it’s a serious health hazard. Unfortunately, roaches are resilient around humans and they breed at a frightening pace. Just two cockroaches can develop into tens of thousands in under a single year!
That being said, the right time to call for help for a roach problem is when you see ONE. One can turn into one THOUSAND before you know it. Pest control companies in Houston treat homes for roaches more than any other pest. There are several methods for dealing with Houston’s most notorious pest but we’re going to look at the top two.
Gel Bait
Gel bait can be quite effective in eliminating cockroaches, in fact, it’s often used by most pest control companies in Houston. The gel is comprised of an insecticide and is deployed using a syringe to get in cracks and crevices. Those are the places roaches love to lurk and wait for the lights to go off so they can roam. The roaches eat the gel and well, they roam no more.
The best thing about gel bait is that when it is used with the right insecticide it can kill roaches on a generational level. What we mean is that roaches feed on each other’s dead bodies and feces. So they eat a poisoned buddy of theirs, they die and their buddy starts the cycle all over, etc.
Boric Acid
Boric acid is a chemical that is very popular in the pest control industry. Usually applied in dust form, it’s spread around the home on most surfaces and blown into crevices. Roaches crawl across this dust becoming coated in it. They then eat it when preening themselves and it kills them. It’s great for long-term use since it remains active so long as it stays dry.
Pest infestations of any kind can range from annoying to downright dangerous—especially if you suffer from allergies. Having a professional pest control company keep your home pest-free is the most proactive solution. Contact us today and let us protect you and your family from pests that can pose a threat to your health and comfort.